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Left Hand Right Brain Podcast

Left Hand Right Brain is the podcast where JD Lopez, comedian and self proclaimed sensitive artist, has a free flowing conversation with other artists breaking down their creative process and exploring our personal foibles. But, it’s not as pretentious as it sounds. We talk about all this and more while kicking back, cracking wise, and having a good time.

Sep 25, 2015

This week JD shoots the shit with guests Byron F. Graham and Alan Bromwell. Topics discussed include, but are not limited to: Boulder comedy, hosting an open mic, European racism, drugs, and taxes.

*Strange Craft Amber Logo cropped-LHRBLogoiTunes1400RGB1.jpg the-molecule-effect--531

LHRB 51: Bad Art Is Still Art w/ Byron F. Graham & Alan Bromwell

LHRB 51: Bad Art Is Still Art w/ Byron F. Graham...

Sep 18, 2015

This week is the 5th Live Hand Right Brain with guests The Agency aka Matt Wayman, Walter Booth, Corey Rhoads, and Robert Abbott. BIG thanks to The Molecule Effect Coffee and Wine for making it happen and to Strange Craft Brewery for sponsoring live comedy. Enjoy!

This is what The Agency guys look like!

This is what The Agency guys look like!

The Agency Logo


This is what Robert Abbott, Matt Wayman, Corey Rhoads, and Walter Booth look like sitting on the couch drinking Strange Craft Beer in The Molecule Effect.

This is...

Sep 11, 2015

This week JD shoots the shit with guests Andres Becerril, E.D. Miller, & Kyle Burtman. Topics discussed include, but are not limited to: E.D.’s poop quota, comedy in the art district, dealing with hecklers, and fatherhood.

This is what E.D., Kyle, and Andres look like handing out in my living room.

This is what E.D., Kyle, and Andres look like handing out in my living room.


Sep 4, 2015

This week JD shoots the shit with guest Daniel Reskin. Topics discussed include, but are not limited to: making the move from Miami to Denver, cocaine, being ethnically ambiguous, Daniel’s website/blog, using the “N” word, and the perfect date night.





This is what Daniel and I look like hanging out at Comedy Works!

This is what Daniel and I look like hanging out at...