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Left Hand Right Brain Podcast

Left Hand Right Brain is the podcast where JD Lopez, comedian and self proclaimed sensitive artist, has a free flowing conversation with other artists breaking down their creative process and exploring our personal foibles. But, it’s not as pretentious as it sounds. We talk about all this and more while kicking back, cracking wise, and having a good time.

Feb 28, 2016

This week JD shoots the shit with guest William Montgomery. William is a stand up comedian from Tennessee. Topics discussed include, but are not limited to: Where’s Waldo?, catfish, comedy in the south, acting, and rap.

This is what William Montgomery look like.

This is what William Montgomery look like.

Check out William on 

Feb 19, 2016

This week is LIVE Hand Right Brain 9 with Emily Grace King. BIG thanks to Royce Roeswood, everyone who came out, The Molecule Effect Coffee and Wine for making it happen, and to Black Shirt Brewing for sponsoring this live podcast. Enjoy!

This is what Emily Grace King looks like standing in-between Royce and JD.

This is what Emily Grace King looks like standing in-between Royce and JD.

February LIVE Hand Poster

This is the logo for Black Shirt Brewing Company

Feb 12, 2016

This week JD shoots the shit with guests Anthony Crawford and Ed Werner. They are stand up comedians running shows all over the mile high. Topics discussed include, but are not limited to: politics, President Obama, corporate run media, Ed’s story, and Beyonce.

This is what Ed Werner and Anthony Crawford look like.

This is what Ed Werner and Anthony Crawford look...

Feb 5, 2016

This week JD shoots the shit with guest Jacob Rupp. Jacob is a stand up comedian and co-host of Ice Cream Social. Topics discussed include, but are not limited to: film, radio, sacrificing to the comedy gods, drugs, and 2 Chainz.

This is the new logo for Jacob's podcast.

This is the new logo for Jacob’s podcast.

This is what Jacob and I look like taking a selfie.

This is what Jacob and I look like taking a...