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Left Hand Right Brain Podcast

Left Hand Right Brain is the podcast where JD Lopez, comedian and self proclaimed sensitive artist, has a free flowing conversation with other artists breaking down their creative process and exploring our personal foibles. But, it’s not as pretentious as it sounds. We talk about all this and more while kicking back, cracking wise, and having a good time.

Mar 6, 2015

This week is the seventh installment of Appetites! JD and Scott visit Baere Brewing Company and talk to the owners Ryan and Kevin about what makes Baere so special! Topics discussed include, but are not limited to: Harry Potter fan fiction, how Baere began, the transition from home brewing, the creative process that goes into making their brews, and the zen of brewing. Enjoy!

This is what the dudes from Baere Brewing Company look like leaning against barrels.

This is what the dudes from Baere Brewing Company look like leaning against barrels.

Baere Brewing Logo Baere Brewing Company Baere Brewing Summer Stout






Check out everything Baere at their website below: