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Left Hand Right Brain Podcast

Left Hand Right Brain is the podcast where JD Lopez, comedian and self proclaimed sensitive artist, has a free flowing conversation with other artists breaking down their creative process and exploring our personal foibles. But, it’s not as pretentious as it sounds. We talk about all this and more while kicking back, cracking wise, and having a good time.

Oct 3, 2014

LHRB with JD Lopez

Appetites Podcast wonders everyday what people hunger for. What drives someone to open a coffee shop or brewery in an already seemingly flooded market? Why take the financial and personal risks gambling your life on a creative endeavor? What does this dedication to the minutiae lead to? We search out these passions and share them with you on Appetites Podcast and we always try to do it with Local Flavor and Universal Appeal! This week is the fourth installment of Appetites! JD and Scott ditch Jason and hit the Betsy Stage. The Betsy Stage is a local theater created in 2010 with the purpose of adapting classic Shakespearian works to today’s world. It’s Shakespeare spiked, if you will. We talk to Samantha McDermott (director) and Mallory Vining (actress) about what makes The Betsy Stage so great!

The Betsy Stage


Check out the Betsy Stage Website below:

Check out Gypsy Hamlet at The Betsy Stage Oct. 3-Nov.8

Check out Gypsy Hamlet at The Betsy Stage Oct. 3-Nov.8