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Left Hand Right Brain Podcast

Left Hand Right Brain is the podcast where JD Lopez, comedian and self proclaimed sensitive artist, has a free flowing conversation with other artists breaking down their creative process and exploring our personal foibles. But, it’s not as pretentious as it sounds. We talk about all this and more while kicking back, cracking wise, and having a good time.

Jan 28, 2014

This week JD and Joanna shoot the shit with guest Ben Roy. Ben is a Denver based comedian, musician, writer, and all around badass motherfucker. Topics discussed include, but are not limited to: Ben’s band Spells, what it means to be an artiest, how Ben came to Colorado, Ben’s ups and downs with comedy, mushrooms being a comics drug of choice, moments of clarity, and JD & Ben geek out over MMA/training Jiu Jitsu.


Ben Roy and JD/JO everybody!

Ben Roy and JD/JO everybody!

Check out Ben’s website (link below) to find where you can see Ben next and what he’s up to!

This is the youtube video of Ben’s Jiu Jitsu match with Russ from The Farm BJJ

And the Facebook link to Ben’s band Spells